
Famitsu unveils Tales of Vesperia PS3 bonus content

That guy in the picture? He's saying "damn, I wish I'd waited and bought the PS3 version of Tales of Vesperia, instead of the 360 version." That's because he's just read the latest Famitsu and found out about all the cool extras that will be included with the game when it hits the PS3 later this year. This includes new Giganto Monsters and new areas of the world for them to inhabit, such as additional dungeon and desert environments.

Those who pre-order in Japan will also receive a redemption code for downloadable costumes from another game in the series, Tales of the Abyss. Not only that, but people who buy both Vesperia and the upcoming PSP Tales of VS will get even more goodies, as each game will include a password which will activate new content in the other.
