
All Points Bulletin video podcast fields questions from the fans

The team at Realtime Worlds has been releasing a series of video podcasts about All Points Bulletin, their upcoming urban crime MMO. The term "MMO" isn't an exact fit for this game though, as anyone who's been following our coverage of APB will have noted. In fact, the game is so different that this latest APB podcast is basically a Q&A with Design Lead EJ Moreland. He answers a barrage of questions, ranging from the game's business model to whether or not we should expect a console release.

In addition to all that, Moreland drops some info about All Points Bulletin's current state of development, and when beta testing is expected to begin. For those of you wanting to see a little more of the game, the video also gives us a look at emotes, explained by Senior Animator Ben Stanton, who shows off some avatar dance moves and taunts along the lines of bird flips. He also says that emotes will be gender specific, so the ladies will get a slightly different array of emotes than the guys. We've got an HD embed of the video for you, so stick with us after the jump.

[Thanks, Dimitris!]