
Meet Star Trek Online's dashing Joe Blancato

Hey we know this new Star Trek Online guy. No really, we swear -- we've got proof and everything! You know, we don't normally talk about these things but since we taught Joe so much in his short time with here, we feel like it's important to share.

It wouldn't be going too far to say that because of us here at Massively, Joe was able to master a rare form of the martial arts known as Kung-Blogging-Jeet-Jistu-Do. So if you're ever wondering why his writing is so deadly and sharp, now you know. Also, if you ever see him shooting lasers out of his eyes, he learned that one from us, too.

Okay, fine. In actuality, Joe's a really great guy and we know he'll make a wonderful online community representative for Star Trek Online. There are no ridiculous expectations or assumptions in our minds, either. Once he's gained untold success and riches, we'll even wait patiently for our golden toilet seat covers to come in the mail.