
Nokia throws "Xseries" into the ring, too?

You know the saying "where there's smoke, there's fire"? Yeah, well, this is kind of like that, except its.. uh, "where there's Cseries, there's Xseries." Stay with us: on Saturday we reported that Nokia had filed for a trademark on the "Cseries" name, ostensibly for a new line of smartphones, MIDs, or netbooks to complement its existing Nseries and Eseries lines. Now it seems the intriguing-sounding "Xseries" is in the mix, too, thanks to details coughed up by the EU's Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market. This particular mark was filed in Switzerland, but something tells us they don't just plan on selling some crazy new line of devices in the Alps, if you know what we're saying; like the Cseries, though, the question of what the Xseries is exactly remains to be answered.

[Via digitoday, thanks Pasi]