
Introducing our newest screenshot contest: Where Am I?

Today we're proud to announce our newest contest here at Massively entitled "Where Am I?". It's a weekly competition that will give the readers a chance to win valuable in-game and real world prizes, by simply naming the location of a particular screenshot in a particular MMO.

Each Thursday, we will have a new screenshot taken in a different game, and the first person who can successfully name the exact location of that shot will win the prize for that week. Plus, the prizes will directly correspond to the game in which the screenshot was taken.

This week, to begin the contest, we'll explain the rules and give you something fairly easy. So keep reading after the jump and good luck!

Official Contest Rules
To enter, add a comment to the contest post with the following information:

  • Name of the game

  • Name of the area that the screenshot shows. This needs to be as specific as possible. For example, if a shot is taken within the town hall of LotRO's city of Bree, you would say: Lord of the Rings Online, City of Bree, in the Town Hall. If it's not in a building, name the zone or even close coordinates. Being specific will eliminate any chance of confusion.

The first commenter to successfully name the game and the precise location of the screenshot will win a predetermined prize. When the prize has an actual cash value, it will be stated in the post. Otherwise, the prize consists of value inside the game itself.

Also take note that the "first" commenter in this case is judged by the order in which they appear first (with the correct answer) in the post. This is why it is important to activate your comment (check your email) immediately, if you want to win.

Once there is a winner, a post will be made the following day explaining the correct answer, the prize and the winner's name (as it appears in the comments).

So for this week's contest, simply follow the directions for the screenshot below. The prize consists of a "set" of in-game items for that game. Click the image for a larger version. Remember, be as specific as possible!

[Edit: Wow! That was quick! The correct answer has been given and the winner has been notified. The comments are now locked. Look for a post about the prize and the winner tomorrow.]