
"Where Am I?" first screenshot contest a success!

Yesterday, we began a new screenshot contest here at Massively where we display a certain in-game image from a certain MMO, and you tell us the specific location and game of the shot. Even though we mentioned how easy this first one was in the post, we never anticipated it would be answered correctly within the first 6 minutes!

So congratulations goes out to Mordredis for that correct answer. The screenshot was taken in Runes of Magic's Aslan Valley, just north of the town of Silverfall. The bridge here is very distinctive, which gave away the location quite easily for any Runes of Magic fan. Mordredis will win a full set of the brand new Vermillion Warrior's armor that several sites are giving away piece by piece, much like the Jade Warrior set from last month. Will we be giving away any of these pieces ourselves? There's a very good possibility, so keep your eyes on the site this weekend!

Next week we plan to offer a bit more of a challenge, with proceeding weeks fluctuating between easy and difficult, depending on the prize. Each time will be fun and rewarding though, so don't miss "Where Am I?" every Thursday afternoon.