
Engadget Podcast 157 - 07.31.2009

Another quiet week, podcast fans -- but we were still excited by a few new toys, like the new Creative Zii EGG, the Kodak Zi8, and the Nikon D300s. We also spent some time with the new Sony Walkman X-series, which got us thinking about Sony's fortunes in this brave new world and how the company might need to change -- and speaking of change, both Apple and Palm need to rethink some of their current policies. Oh, and to top it all off, the Wall Street Journal totally whiffed that Apple-at-CES story, and we've got the scoop on how our old friend Ryan Block laid some truth on things. Hm, maybe it wasn't such a quiet week after all.

P.S.- Just Josh and Nilay this time, but we promise the whole band's getting back together soon.

Hosts: Joshua Topolsky, Nilay Patel
Producer: Trent Wolbe
Song: Bohemian Rhapsody

Hear the podcast

00:02:56 - Creative debuts Android-powered Zii EGG for developers and OEMs
00:15:26 - US Sony Walkman X-series unboxing and hands-on
00:29:22 - Kodak's 1080p Zi8 HD pocket camcorder in hand
00:34:45 - Nikon D300s officially announced -- 720p/24 movie mode with autofocus and mic input
00:40:24 - Google Voice iPhone app rejected, current GV apps lose connection with iTunes
00:45:25 - Unofficial Google Voice client for Palm Pre makes the scene
00:51:50 - Editorial: Palm, iTunes, and the ties that don't bind
01:04:35 - WSJ: Apple going to CES 2010. Reality: Nope.

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