
One Shots: A great day for a walk

We're huge fans of breaking away from the computer and going to have fun under that giant fiery ball in the sky. We know it sounds weird, but sometimes you just can't resist when the weather is nice. Of course, when it's too hot and yucky outside, that's when we're all for staying in and enjoying the sunshine in our favorite MMOs! Today's cheery Lord of the Rings Online One Shots shows off this adventurous hobbit, Vultan from the Landroval server, who sent in his travel postcard from Middle-earth. Perhaps he's setting off to see if there really is anything at the end of the rainbow? It seems like it would be a very hobbit thing to do when presented with a nice day and an open road.

Places and players - big and small - we want to see images of them all! There's only one thing; we need you to send them in to us so we can post them. So gather up your best screenshots (or your worst if they're funny) and email them to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name, the name of the game, and a brief description. We'll post them out here and give you the credit!