
Red Faction patch inbound, adds new mode, fixes

Volition has announced that a patch is on the way for Red Faction Guerrilla, which will add some new features and contain some tweaks to the game as well. The biggest of the additions is a new variant of Wrecking Crew called Challenge Mode. Wrecking Crew Challenge Mode, appropriately enough, challenges players with three consecutive levels, each with different weapon and backpack settings. The ultimate goal, as usual, is to rack up as high a score as possible. Additionally, all other Wrecking Crew modes will be available for single-player games.

There are a number of other additions, like the ability to disable specific weapons and backpacks in custom games. Ore that hasn't been mined will also now show up on the mini-map, which is good news for Achievement / Trophy hunters. Finally, the patch will add support for the upcoming DLC, which is set to release next week. Head over to the official Red Faction site for the full patch notes.