
BlizzCon online store now open

This year's BlizzCon 2009 is just a tad over two weeks away, running August 21st and 22nd. We're expecting lots of big announcements this year, and the staff is preparing to cover the event from top to bottom. One nice thing about this year is that we won't be waiting in line for any of our merchandise, at least anything that has to do with the current games.

Everything is available for the next 48 hours to be purchased through the Blizzard Store. If you have a ticket, the original ticket buyer with the account must go into the store and order the items. If you don't have a ticket or are not the holder of the account which purchased the ticket, you're probably going to have a hard time seeing them, so we've made a gallery of the item listing for your enjoyment.

While there's a few things that are unique to BlizzCon in the store, there's nothing really amazing, in my opinion. What I really want is a poster or shirt of the next expansion, and I'm not surprised it isn't in there. So maybe there'll be a little line-standing time after all (assuming they announce it, of course).

If the gallery images are too small, click the "High Res" button located in the upper right-hand corner of the image page and they'll appear at their normal size.

Lovely Black Dress also has a nice listing of some of the items, including a collage.
