
Second Aion vidcast now available

As we inch closer to the Aion launch on 22nd and 25th September (NA and EU, respectively), the excitement about NCsoft's latest MMO is reaching fever pitch. Yesterday, G4TV released the second Aion vidcast (the first one was hosted by IGN). Featuring devs including Associate Producer Lani Blazier and Producer Brian Knox, this one is all about character customisation. The interviews are also interspersed with some impressive in-game footage and rather arty shots of their Seattle offices.

The vidcast begins by going through the differences between PvP, PvE and PvPvE. Indeed the highlight has to be seeing Lani try to figure out the best pronunciation of PvPvE. There's also a rundown of the main classess and the sub-class choices you can pick upon Ascending. If you're looking for one word that sums up both the game and this vidcast, it would have to be 'uniqueness'. While none of the information will be new to people playing the beta or who have been following the game, it's great to see more of the people behind the game and their genuine passion for Atreia.

Hit the jump to check out the video.