
One Shots: Starting the weekend off with a big bang

One of the many things we love to do here on One Shots is show off game worlds we don't often get to see. This flashtastic image comes to us from first-time contributor, Prantik G. who snapped this image while playing Jade Destiny, which is part of the Perfect World International games site. Prantik sent this note along to explain it a bit further: This is a picture of a skysword blowing up in Jade Dynasty. It is one of the most beautiful instances in [the game.]

If you're playing a game we only rarely see - or have never seen - we want to hear from you! Show us your favorite areas, tell us a bit about the lore, or maybe just tell us why you like it. It's up to you! Email them to oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name and the name of the game. We'll post them up and give them a moment in the Internet sun!