
NintendoWare Weekly: Picturebook Games, Revenge of Shinobi

Today's highlight is no doubt Revenge of Shinobi, the first Shinobi game on the Sega Genesis. What's funny about this is that the third game in the series on that console, Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master, was released on the Wii way back in 2007. Two-thousand-and-freaking-seven, people! How crazy is that? More after the break.


  • Brain Age Express: Sudoku (Nintendo, 1 player, 500 DSi Points): It's all about Sudoku in this installment of Brain Age Express. You can still check your Brain Age in the game, but that's pretty much it.

  • Guitar Rock Tour (Gameloft, 1 - 4 players, 500 DSi Points): Gameloft's latest offers wannabe drummers and guitarists a chance to rock out on the DSi's tiny speakers. It sounds like your average rhythm-based title, with support for both touch-screen and button-based controls, and features covers of songs such as "Beat It," "Rock You Like a Hurricane" and "Girlfriend."


  • PictureBook Games: Pop-Up Pursuit (Nintendo, 1 - 4 players, 800 Wii Points): Nintendo offers up an experience aimed at the whole family, as Pop-Up Pursuit combines the presentation of a pop-up book with gameplay reminiscent of classic board games.It sounds kind of like playing Monopoly, just without the lingering contempt.

  • Family Slot Car Racing (Aksys Games, 1 -2 players, 500 Wii Points): Aksys returns with another edition of its Family series of games on WiiWare. If previous titles are any indication, you'll want to seal this title in a gigantic metal box and send it seaworthy.

Virtual Console

  • The Revenge of Shinobi (Sega Genesis, 1 player, 800 Wii Points): So, finally, the first Sega Genesis Shinobi game is available on the Virtual Console -- 2 years later. Do you not read the introductory paragraphs on these posts?