
Phantasy Star Portable 2 revealed for the second time

Sega looks prepared to announce Phantasy Star Portable 2 not once, not twice -- but three times. The highly successful PSP RPG was first uncovered through a promotional UMD for the budget re-release of the original Phantasy Star Portable. Now, it's been discovered yet again through Japanese mag Famitsu, making it all the more official. Sega will then announce the game one more time through its still-in-progress countdown site.

PSO-World has noticed a few details about the upcoming sequel. PSP2 will take place three years after the events of Phantasy Star Universe and the original Phantasy Star Portable.Two of the characters revealed so far are Amelia Percival (not related to PSNation's Glenn, we're afraid), and Yoot. We're sure to see much more when Sega announces the game again in a few days.

Update: 1UP reports that the game will support online Infrastructure mode. Finally! [Thanks, Jonathan S.!]