
Hell is a major draw for Dante's Inferno

If you thought the baffling marketing tactics for Dante's Inferno were limited to PR stunts, you may be surprised at this quote from EA Games president Frank Gibeau. "I think when you look at Dante's Inferno you start with something that everybody has some knowledge of, which is Hell," Gibeau told, "and the idea that you go into Hell as a hero and fight demons ... that's something that resonates with a lot of people."

That's right. One of the most appealing parts of the game ... is Hell. Specifically, "going to Hell and fighting," but Hell nonetheless. We have "some knowledge" of a lot of unpleasant places, like the little closet our water heater occupies, but we aren't necessarily clamoring for games in those settings.

Both the interviewer and Gibeau also refer to Dante's Inferno as "new IP," which seems inaccurate to us, considering that The Divine Comedy's original street date was sometime in the early 1300s.