
One Shots: We think Wright would approve

With the news today about a new digital expansion for Lord of the Rings Online, there's a lot of buzz in the community. That's why we couldn't resist bringing you this great scene of Hobbit home-building that was sent in to us by Dash. He writes in: I recently started playing Lord of the Rings Online again out of curiosity on how it has evolved since launch. While exploring the area a little while away from Bree I came across a little Hobbit town called Buckland that has to be one of my favourite areas in the game so far. Hobbits are pro at architecture. We know at least one famous architect who would definitely have agreed with you.

If you've run across an area you absolutely love, we want to see it and hear a bit about why you think it's so great! Just email it to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name, the name of the game, and a brief description. We'll post it out here and give you the credit for snapping such a great screenshot.