
Netgear expands Digital Entertainer line with the EVA2000 Digital Entertainer Live

Netgear's Digital Entertainer media streamers have always been well-admired as capable and flexible home theater units, and it sounds like the new Digital Entertainer Live will keep that trend alive while bringing prices down -- the $150 box will play back just about any format you throw at it from just about any source, while offering YouTube, pay-per-view CinemaNow movies and VuNow and PlayOn support in the bargain. Seems like a pretty decent piece of kit, no outrageous claims here -- oh, except for this line about the Live's new video search tool that can "locate videos on the entire worldwide web" by searching "more than hundred thousand websites." That sounds... ominous. Way to go, guys -- first you add MKV support, then you try to blackmail the entire world. We always knew this would happen.

Update: We just spoke with Netgear and learned a couple interesting tidbits. First, although remote bears a resemblance to the one used with the Western Digital WD TV HD, that's all -- the actual box itself is completely different hardware, and the remote has a totally different layout. Second, PlayOn will be offered at a 25 percent discount to DE Live buyers, making the whole thing seem like even more of a bargain.