
FigurePrints price reduction, armor sets available

Our friends over at FigurePrints have a few pieces of news to share this weekend: first of all, they've dropped the price in the EU from €129.95 (which was about $166) to €99.95, which lines up with the US price of $129.95. The reason given for the original higher price was exchange rates, but they now say things have settled down enough where they can line up the prices. No word on if EU people who ordered them at the higher price will be getting a refund, so I'd assume they won't.

Also, they have now implemented the Tier armor sets we were told about in our interview at BlizzCon -- instead of ordering a FigurePrint with your usual gear on it, you can instead choose to dress your character in Tier 1, 2, or 3, dungeon set 1 or 2, or the original PvP Rare or Epic armor sets. That's designed so that characters don't have to go back and collect all of those pieces -- if you'd rather remember your character in that original armor from the vanilla game, there you go.

And finally, everyone who purchases a FigurePrint before November 10th will be entered in a sweepstakes to win a Magic Rooster TCG card that you can exchange for an in-game rooster mount. Probably not enough to make you get a FigurePrint out of the blue (there are, of course, other ways to win those cards), but if you've been planning on picking one up anyway, it could be a nice bonus.