
Aion's third podcast takes on the east vs. west gaming approaches

The next video in the Aion podcast series is up, and this time the staff speaks on the differences in how the Western and Eastern markets perceive gameplay, and how Aion manages to stretch their Tower of Eternity across both markets.

According to the podcast, the team has designed Aion with a global mindset -- such as tempering the experience grind with story and adapting the graphics to straddle the cultural preferences of both markets. In addition to that, they wished to bring new perspectives to the industry as a whole, including their take on flight and the use of PvP in PvE settings, such as the notorious Abyss.

But don't take our word for what they said in the podcast when you can view it right here! We've embedded the video in this post right after the break, so hit "continue reading" to see what the Aion team has to offer!