
MMOs top Steam and Direct2Drive weekly charts

We told you September was going to be a crazy month for MMOs! It seems that for the week of 9/6 to 9/12, MMOs topped both the Steam and Direct2Drive sales charts. Aion: Collector's Edition was first and Champions Online second on Steam and and it was the same for D2D, except they swapped first and second positions. Fallen Earth (preorder) was third on D2D, while not for sale on Steam. The Aion: Standard Edition took tenth on Steam and fifth on D2D.

It's also worth mentioning that Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, while not an MMO, ranked highly for the week as well (third on Steam and fourth on D2D). BioWare announced a special $10 deal for KotOR at PAX last week for fans of their upcoming MMO, Star Wars: The Old Republic. People buying KotOR through D2D will receive a 25% discount on SWTOR when it releases. Speaking of D2D, you should keep your eye on their special Five Year Anniversary page because next Monday ten RPG/MMOs will be going on sale for $5.00 each!

Update: Thanks for the fix, cb!