
Breakfast Topic: It's Brewfest Time

Good Morning, and welcome to Brewfest, everyone! All aspiring Brewmasters, brush off your Ram riding skills and prepare for some fun. If you need a refresher on how to race those Rams, check out our Ram racing tips from last year. This will be one of your main sources of tokens, so you'll want to make sure you're good at it. For a quick rundown of how to get each achievement, you can read up on our Overachiever's guide to the 2009 Brewfest.

Of course, if you're just one to take it a bit more casually, there's nothing wrong with that either. There's plenty of fun to be had. If you're heading down to Coren Direbrew's place for a shot at a mount or trinket, be sure to check out some of the other fun stuff at the Grim Guzzler.

Also worth noting is that we should see a lot of Violet Protodrakes popping up in game today, especially with the removal of the Brew of the Year achievement. My main is a Death Knight, so I'll have to wait for Hallow's End, but if you were dilligent with your achievements last year, it should be pretty simple to get that drake on Sunday.

But with all that said, it's down to the discussion. I'm interested to hear what your Brewfest plans are. Are you going to be going full bore for Brewmaster? Are you expecting to get your Violet Protodrake before Brewfest is over? Are you going to treat it a bit more casually? Are you ignoring the achievements and just focusing on Coren's mounts? Or are you just going to stay out of the whole thing and hold a real life Brewfest of your own?
