
The Aion server queue survival guide

So you pre-ordered Aion and you're super excited to jump into the game during the headstart release that's going on right now. You've set aside a whole block of time for your game play, you have your snacks at your side and your DVR ready to play some great entertainment while you grind your night away. You type in your username and password, accept the EULA, select the server that you made your character on during the pre-selection annnndd..... get slapped in the face with a 2 hour wait time.

Don't worry, we've been there. Trust us on that. But here at Massively, we're not going to let you down in your moment of need. We've compiled a great list of fun things to do while you wait for that server queue to drop. Follow along after the break, and we'll be happy to show you the golden road to boredom elimination.

Play another game on a console or a simpler game on your PC

If your looking to get some gaming in while you wait, you can always turn to your friend, the console. They haven't let you down yet. You can usually jump into a game, play it for a while and get something done, and then jump out just in the nick of time to go play Aion. It's like gaming recursion. You can put a game on your game so you can game while you game. Booyah, boy-ee.

Attempt to be productive

Homework is a good idea. So is completing that report that your boss wanted on his desk by 9 A.M. tomorrow. We heard that if you get things done while you wait for Aion, the server queue fairies move you down in line based on your good deeds. True story.

IM your friends and tell them how bored you are

If you're in pain, then your friends should be in just as much pain as you are. We recommend firing up an instant messenger program that runs multiple messengers at the same time, then you can annoy as many networks as possible.

Bonus points if you grab one of those fancy messengers that can do Facebook and Twitter as well. Then you can put up annoying status messages that tell everyone exactly what spot you are in line and how much time is left before they let you into the server.

Play World of Warcraft

For added Aion effect, make wooshing noises when you get on your flying mount, then dismount every minute and tell people you're waiting for your wings to recharge. When going up to Northrend, tell your guild that you're visiting, "The Abyss." Call the enemy faction the Elyos or Asmodians. Say aloud on the trade chat that Arthas is one hell of a Balaur. Do all of this and you'll make many friends, we promise.

Order Domino's Pizza once every 30 minutes

The only flaw to this plan is you now have to come up with something to do while waiting for your food to arrive. Honestly, you're on your own for that. This is the guide on how to waste time while waiting for Aion, not the guide on how to waste time while waiting for a pizza. On the plus side, you can do some great stuff while actually ordering the pizza if you order by phone.

Bonus points if you get your pizza delivered by a man named Khan.

Buy angel wings at your local costume store

It's almost October, and that means that short-term costume shops are popping up all over the place. If you're willing to spend a few bucks, drive out to that same halloween shop and pick up some angel wings. Proceed to put them on, go home, and then run around outside your house pretending to fly. If you're Elyos, try to help everyone in sight even if they don't need your help. If you're Asmodian, hiss loudly and awkwardly at everyone that passes by you.

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