
Official Aion website gets a make-over (redux)

We bring you this breaking news from the cluttered desks at Massively headquarters: Aion has launched! Oh wait, you already knew that? Darn. Well, maybe you haven't noticed Aion's official website make-over featuring all kinds of never-before-seen goodies like official forums, character and legion (guild) search, server status/statistics, Abyss control, and player rankings.

The new look is clean, bright, and lightweight. NCsoft have updated their Powerwiki to include a number of player guides and lore articles (still no crafting info though). The official forums showcase the latest discussion on news, community, servers, classes, and technical support. Players can even show off a 3D model of their character including their latest gear/stats. The server statistics page is quite cool too, breaking down individual servers by race, class, level range, and the number of legions. Asmodians hold a slight advantage across most servers, but not by much. It seems NCsoft's strict balance policy is working decently so far.