
Twisted Nether and friends unveil Azeroth United

The Twisted Nether folks have been a huge part of the WoW community for a while now -- I finally got to meet both Fimlys and Nibuca in person at the last BlizzCon, and of course we've mentioned them and their work here on the site before. They've recently announced another big project, in coordination with Stompalina over at Rawrcast and our own Eddie "Brigwyn" Carrington, author of the Scattered Shots column and curator of The Hunting Lodge, and it sounds exciting. Azeroth United is an "Internet media community" centered around World of Warcraft, so it'll be a hub for sharing news and support around not just bloggers, but all WoW-related fansites and online resources.

It sounds like their first project will be a large-scale charity drive, much like the Children's Week auction that Brigwyn put together earlier this year. More news on that, we're told, is coming soon, and we'll keep our ears open to see what they're up to. We've seen the power of the Warcraft community before, both in making a difference with donations and and uniting under a common flag, so a project like this is sure to be fun to watch. Stay tuned for more when we hear it.