
One Shots: The ISK is good

Every so often we get a truly excellent bit of writing from one of our One Shots contributors to go along with a great screenshot. Today we have one such story-treat for you from Redwense, pulled from a day in the life of EVE Online. Since it's a bit too large to fit on the front page, we're going to get all the normal column stuff out of the way early. If you'd like to stretch your creative writing wings with a very short story about your screenshot, mail it in to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name, and the name of the game. We'll post it out here and let everyone enjoy! Be sure to read behind the break for the rest of Redwense's story.

"Look at it, Ryl. Isn't it beautiful? The way it shimmers in the sun, the amount of ore waiting to be extracted..."


Din Ferros smiled enthusiastically as his Retriever's strip miners roared through the barge's hull. He activated the Survey Scanner module for the third time in seconds, more to admire the large number of Veldspar units than to actually "survey."

The next mining cycle finished, and Din's camera drone observed Ryl'avin's hauler drift closer to the site.

Seeing no reply on the NeoCom, Din pressed on, light-heartedly, "Ryl'avin Redwense, are you going to drive that Iteron into the asteroid like last time?" He laughed.

Ryl'avin pretended not to see his message. Hauling, she thought with mild annoyance. At least the ISK is good. And the company. She closed her eyes and drifted off into sleep.

There was still no reply. It did not really matter to Din. All he wanted was to hear his cargohold ring with the sound of ore.