
"Where Am I?" screenshot contest

Welcome to our newest contest here at Massively entitled "Where Am I?". It's a weekly competition that will give the readers a chance to win valuable in-game and real world prizes, by simply naming the location of a particular screenshot in a particular MMO.

For this edition, we're happy to announce a new prize that we'll probably be using for the next few "Where Am I?" contests. It's a brand new black Massively t-shirt, previously only available at our real world meet-ups! So if you think you have what it takes to identify the exact location of an in-game screenshot, and you would fancy a Massively t-shirt, keep reading below for the screenshot and complete rules!%Gallery-68602%

Official Contest Rules
To enter, send an email to shawnATmassivelyDOTcom with the following information:

  • Subject line: Where Am I contest

  • Name of the game

  • Name of the area that the screenshot shows. This needs to be as specific as possible. For example, if a shot is taken within the town hall of LotRO's city of Bree, you would say: Lord of the Rings Online, City of Bree, in the Town Hall. If it's not in a building, name the zone or closest named point on the map. Being specific will eliminate any chance of confusion.

Our complete contest rules for all giveaways can be found here.
A random winner will be chosen from a pool of correct answers tomorrow at 1pm EST, so get those emails in before then. The prize will consist of one black Massively t-shirt, in either Large or X-Large size.

So best of luck to everyone in this week's contest! Click the image for a larger version and remember, be as specific as possible!