
The Daily Grind: Vendettas

We've all had them. That one dungeon where your groups always wound up dying long before you got to the final boss, either because you couldn't get past the enemies or there was some trick you always screwed up. That one area that you couldn't quest in because you would get mobbed by adds. The quest you never could finish because the target was too hard to kill or too difficult to find. The elusive weapon a monster should have dropped a third of the time but never did when you got the kill.

Even though we all know that there's nothing on the AI side of an MMO but computer chips and electrical currents, we still find ourselves forming our own little plots of revenge. Since many of these points of endless frustration occur early in the game, to boot, we often have the opportunity to head back once we're more powerful and take out our frustration on the dungeons or enemies that always frustrated us before. And it might be a bit silly, but there's always a sense of glee to crushing your former roadblocks.

What sort of digital enemies have you made? Do you find yourself hunting down your lower-level targets of hatred, or do you tend to let go of the frustrations more easily?