
One Shots: Back in the day

While it hasn't been that long since Champions Online launched, looking back at the end of beta events still gives us a warm fuzzy for "back then." The other thing is that it makes us pretty psyched up for a Halloween event. After all, if end-of-beta was that much fun, then the holiday events should hopefully be at least as good - if not better. Today's Champions Online One Shots comes to us from Joe R. who gives us his RP spin on the event. During one of the last days of open beta, Millennium City was attacked by Mega Destroids! We were able to repel the attack, but not before we lost some good champions. They will be missed.

With the holidays coming, we really want to see some fun screenshots of new costume pieces, events, and more! Be sure to snag those strange October happenings and email them to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name, the name of the game, and a quick description. We'll post it out here for everyone to share in the thrills and chills - and give you the credit!