
One Shots: Gates would be proud

In the world of Fallen Earth, you really never know what you're going to run into next. Sure - you can count on infected during the current Days of the Dead promotion. If you wander too far into the wastes, it's likely some form of mutated pack poultry will take a chunk out of your backside - if not send you back to a spawn point. But sometimes it's the little things that just make us stop and remember - this is set in a world familiar to us. Today's funny One Shots comes to us from Ampersand, who is part of The Fourth Tribe clan. He writes in: It looks like the Blue Screen of Death has something in common with cockroaches: it can survive the apocalypse. This screenshot shows some of the humor in Fallen Earth. It was taken in the Kingman Prison instance.

If you're among the many trying out Fallen Earth - or playing any other MMO - feel free to send in any funny or interesting screenshots you run across on your travels. We love to see them. Just email them to oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name, the name of the game, and a quick description. We'll post them here and let the world share in the funny.