
EverQuest II: Sentinel's Fate opens up pre-orders

The latest expansion for EverQuest II, EverQuest II: Sentinel's Fate, is slated for release in February both digitally and in retail, but why wait until then to pick up your copy? No, far better to pre-order the expansion and be ready for the day it launches -- which, not coincidentally, is now an option. There are both Regular and Collector editions available, as is the standard for MMOs these days, and each one comes with its own little bonuses as well as the usual little extras for ordering ahead of time.

Sentinel's Fate promises to be a broad expansion for everyone playing EverQuest II, offering a level cap of 90, several hundred new quests, new dungeons, and new alternate advancement systems for characters. If you're a dedicated player of the game, they probably had you at "EQII expansion," but the expansion also looks to be the perfect point for new players to jump in and start getting involved in the world of Norrath. Take a look at the full list of the expansion's features, go ahead and pre-order, and get ready for February to be booked solid.