
Scivelation officially announced for 360, coming Q3 2010

Good news, 360 owners: The hard-to-pronounce third-person shooter from TopWare Interactive and Black Wing Foundation, known as Scivelation, will be coming exclusively to the platform in the third quarter of next year. Hopefully, by that point, we'll have received some supplemental materials informing us how to properly speak the title of the game. We're considering changing our current position to "Skih-vee-lay-shun."

The press release which divulged this information also revealed a bit more about the game's story. You'll be playing as a member of a rebel faction, fighting against the oppressive, theocratic "Regime." Joining you is a former Regime scientist who has created a "post-human supervirus," and a former Russian special operative who is also a cyborg. It's like three plots in one! What a bargain!