
Mirror's Edge coming to the iPhone

EA has announced
that they're bringing Mirror's Edge, the inventive "first-person jumper" title that intrigued gamers last year, to the iPhone and iPod touch via the App Store. I was disappointed to see that it's not actually just a straight port (it would be interesting to see how the topsy-turvy platformer would fare with some gesture and accelerometer input), but instead it's more of an isometric platformer. In fact, the screenshots kind of remind me of Canabalt, though this will probably be more complex, with occasional combat and a story.

Looks like it'll be fun, especially for Mirror's Edge fans looking for a little extra gameplay before the eventual sequel comes out. The game boasts 14 levels run by the game's original protagonist, Faith, and while there's no price mentioned yet, I'm guessing EA will start it out around $6.99, and then probably bring it back down to $4.99 once sales level off.

Gallery: Mirror's Edge (iPhone)