
One Boss Leaves: Krik'thir flays Gortok Palehoof

Two Bosses Enter ... but only One Boss Leaves, in's series of fantasy death matches. This season's combatants come from the original five-man instances of Wrath of the Lich King.

Gortok Palehoof got the raw end of the deal inside the Two Bosses Thunderdome this week, as his one-minion-at-a-time strategy folded under the onslaught of Krik'thir the Gatewatcher's slice-and-dice minions. The outcome was decisive: 58 percent for the Nerubian, and only 36 percent for the Magnataur. Quite a few spectators thought the outcome would have been different if Palehoof had been allowed to deploy his entire collection at once – but alas, in keeping the fight structure reasonably close to what players experience, it was not to be.

Vodkamartini: Dear,

I want to thank you for setting the rules in my favor. With my team able to take on my opponent's lackeys one at a time, it was a simple slaughter. I can't remember if it was the idiot furbolg or the worm (A WORM? WHO BRINGS THE BOTTOM OF THE FOOD CHAIN TO A FIGHT?) that aggroed the entire room, but it went quite quickly after that. Watcher Narjil believed the opposing group, with one attacking in hopes of the Watch Him Die achievement, while the rest stupidly stood there, too busy to contemplate imminent slaughter or arguing over who gets my Golden Limb Bands, may have been in what the humanoids call a "Leeroy Jenkins moment." It does not matter; they were foolish to come.

However, while the match may have made sense in a group point, I'd like to point out that any opponents that had previously been reduced to taxidermical statues by a group of chemically imbalanced -- and tactically obtuse -- Vrykul are already an unfit batch. (And why did King Ymiron spend his energies and wealth on preserving a giant worm? Is there some great stuffed fish in that lake of his?)

I digress. I hope this turn of events does not affect me or my squad adversely in the rankings or on the chat boards. I suppose with the defeat of neighbor Herald Volazj, I should be grateful. But I long ago lost the capacity.

Love and mandibles,

Who rocks Wrath's five-man world? Come back this afternoon to cheer on your favorite inside the Two Bosses Thunderdome, during the next round of Two Bosses Enter, One Boss Leaves: The Original Wrath Five-Man Season. Review the current fighting bracket and consider who you think will come out on top.