
It came from the Blog: Elwynn Extravaganza

The Darkmoon Faire is in Elwynn Forest this week, and that means it's time for another It came from the Blog event. The event will be in three parts:

  1. The run to Elwynn: We will be running from Orgrimmar to Elwynn using a path I plotted out for maximum lowbie protection -- also, photo opportunities.

  2. Hogger Fist Fight: This is not a level 1 Hogger raid. That's so 2007 (ok that link does not go to a level 1 Hogger raid either, but you know what I mean). All levels are invited to this event, but we will be removing our weapons, and not using spells, so we can punch Hogger and his buddies.

  3. Darkmoon Faire fun: We'll buy frog pets, shoot ourselves out of cannons and even turn in stuff if we've been collecting it.

Here are the particulars:

  • When: Saturday, December 12th, 5pm EST (2pm PST, 3pm Server)

  • Where: Meet in front of Orgrimmar on Zangarmarsh (U.S.)

  • Who: Any level Horde character

  • How: Just send a tell to Robinator or any It came from the Blog Lurker for a guild invite.

If you have any questions about our guild in general, please see our FAQ. There are more event details after the break.

Things to know about the Elwynn Extravaganza:

  • We will not be forming an actual raid group. Guildchat is raid chat. I AKA Robinator will be speaking in all caps as Raid Leader. Anyone else speaking in all caps will be gkicked after a warning, because I'm mean like that.

  • There will not be summons. Summons are for sissies. Research shows that the run is often the most fun part of the event, anyway. If you don't want to make the run, you can get to Elwynn ahead of time and meet us there. Or you can just join in on the event in guildchat while you do your own thing.

  • Zangarmarsh is a PvE server. This means that unless you flag yourself, the local players cannot attack you. The local guards can and will attack on sight, however, so be careful because the graveyard run is painful -- as many of you Human players already know. This is not a PvP event, but we will be holding more Battleground Bonanzas for those of you who are PvP inclined.

  • Please log on and get to Orgrimmar early. Lateniks will miss out on the initial screenshots and will probably be left behind.

I expect there to be our usual cadre of Death Knights protecting the lowbies as well as a number of new members in all their level 1 glory. So please join us whether you are 60 levels higher than Hogger or just some level 1 Tauren who usually plays Alliance.

Also, if you have joined us before only to log on and find yourself no longer in the guild, I'm having to kick anyone who hasn't logged on recently. The Guild Roster bugs out when there are more than 500 people in a guild, so I've even kicked out some of my own alts! O, the Blood-Elfity.

See ya there!