
Interview with Undead Labs' Jeff Strain

Last month

we heard about Jeff Strain's new studio Undead Labs, and his upcoming zombie MMO. In the wake of that exciting announcement, Kill Ten Rats was lucky enough to spend some time with Jeff in an interview.

They covered quite a few important questions: fast zombies or slow ones, why it's best to hide in a Costco in the event of a zombie apocalypse, those darn velociraptors, and why so many development companies are in Seattle.

Oh, yes, they also talked about gaming. Jeff covered some interesting points on the complexities of console MMO gaming -- the lack of a keyboard seems to be the biggest issue -- as well as how much he loves the term "MMO" (not really). Jeff also gave due respect to World of Warcraft, and even managed to toss in a "shameless plug" for Guild Wars 2. The full interview is well worth your time, and can be found here.