
Apple posts new holiday iPhone ad

Apple has begun brodcasting a new holiday ad: 12 Apps of Xmas. Though it's not nearly as cool as pastChristmasads, it does spotlight some interesting apps, including one app (Schlage LiNK) that can light up a Christmas tree, at least when it's paired with the appropriate Z-Wave home automation module and the $12.99 monthly service plan [iTunes link].

Here's the lyrics to the new ad, so you can all sing along to the video below.

On the twelfth day of Christmas my iPhone gave to me:
12 cookies cooking
11 cards a sending
10 gifts for giving
9 songs for singing
8 bells for ringing
7 slopes for skiing
6 games for playing
5 gold rings
4 hot lattes
3 flights home
2 feet of snow
And an app that can light up the tree

Apple has thoughtfully compiled an App Store page where you can see all the apps in the TV ads, although it may not be completely up to date. If you've identified one of your favorite apps in this ad, tell us about it in the comments below.