
LittleBigPlanet accessory bundle ad references PSP-4000

Alas, we've gone yet another decade without a single jetpack, hovercar, hoverpack or jetcar. We've got high hopes for unimaginable technological advancement in the 2010s -- for instance, if a recent advertisement for a bundle of LittleBigPlanet-branded PSP accessories that ran in MCV's latest "Digital Edition" is any indication, we're thinking that a new model of the old-school, UMD-equipped handheld might not be out of the question.

Proudly printed on the ad is a lineup of PSP models the accessories are compatible with -- including the PSP-4000. Now, this could just be a mistake on the ad designer's part, or it could be an accidental hint of things to come. Maybe not things as awesome as sky-based personal transportation, but hey -- we'll take what we can get.

[Thanks to everyone who sent this in!]