
Study: Android and iPhone users show same usage trends, heavy app usage

A study put together by analytics firms comScore and Compete says that while Android and iPhone users probably aren't the same people, they certainly act like it. Usage patterns line up almost exactly across the board, differing by only a few percentage points in categories from social networking to mobile media to instant messaging. The only place they really differ is in email usage -- 63% of Android users reported that they used their smartphones for email, while 87% of iPhone users said the same.

The firms also asked smartphone users how they used apps overall, and it's probably not surprising to find that iPhone users are in apps over half the time they're on their phones, compared to using just the web browser. Android users report figures almost as high, with 44% saying that they use apps more than half the time. With so many developers out there working hard to streamline and improve the user interface in specific apps, it's no wonder native applications are the main reason most people pull out their iPhones. And if you want, this can just add fuel to the fire on the speculation that Apple will release a bigger version of the iPhone designed to just run apps rather than worry about that pesky "calling" feature.

[via Mashable]