
US PvP free character transfers

North American and Oceanic players, don't feel left out just because the last round of transfers were European-only. Here's some for us, and even with a little bit of that faction-specific flavor.

  • Source A: Arthas, Bleeding Hollow, Bonechewer, Boulderfist, Burning Blade, Dragonmaw, Frostmane, Illidan, Kel'Thuzad, Laughing Skull, Lightning's Blade, Magtheridon, Mal'Ganis (Horde Only), Mannoroth, Sargeras, Shattered Hand, Skullcrusher, Tichondrius, Warsong

  • Destination A: Drak'Thul, Hakkar

  • Source B: Barthilas, Frostmourne, Thaurissan (Horde Only), Jubei'Thos

  • Destination B: Gundrak (Oceanic)

There's also a note at the end of the post to the effect that although these are all for PvP realms, PvE transfers will be announced shortly, so stay tuned, carebears (don't get me wrong, I'm one of you).

Players on these realms, will you be transfering? Remember that if you want to, you should do it as soon as possible. These transfers are scheduled to stay open until Wednesday, January 21, at 6 PM PST, but they do close early if the transfer goals are met.