
Windows Mobile 6.5 gets cooked onto HTC Raphael / Fuze

OK, Da-G over at XDA-Developers (as always, they really rock the custom world) has shared a simple ROM of Windows Mobile 6.5 for your HTC Fuze or Raphael. Apparently this is a work in progress on new hardware -- we've already seen on ancient stuff -- with bugs galore or "BUGNASTYBUGLYBUGGEROONEYBUGMEGALOPOLIS" as he puts it, so users beware. Features absent / broken include: the volume control not working properly, AutoRun doesn't start on first boot, the OS' sliding panels are not there yet, and unlock doesn't work -- so if you've locked your set, reboot time. We're waiting on -- and hoping for -- some real honest-to-goodness shots of this in action, but until then, feast your eyes on all the details by following the link.

[Thanks, Joel P. and Da_G for the pics]