
Set up shop in the first Harvest Moon for WiiWare

Marvelous Interactive's first WiiWare Harvest Moon game is unconventional in more ways than its delivery method. Harvest Moon Series: Makiba no Omise (Ranch Store) allows players to open and operate their own store in the Harvest Moon universe.

Players can choose the type of business to run, design the look, and then man the store, making and selling the products. In the magazine scans, we can see a soft-serve ice cream shop, in which fresh milk is used to create ice cream, which is then dispensed and sold; an Easter egg shop (yeah, that's a little weird), in which the player decorates and sells eggs, and a juice shop in which you can turn the farm's fruits and veggies into juice, which you presumably sell back to the farmers.

Ranch Store
goes on sale in Japan April 28 for 1,500 Wii Points. We feel pretty confident Natsume will bring it over here.