
Ray Parker Jr. wants Ghostbusters theme in Rock Band, likes money

Song writer and performer Ray Parker Jr. wants his famous Ghostbusters theme song in Rock Band. Not only because it could be a good fit but because Ray Parker Jr. loves him some money.

In an interview with Eurogamer, the 54 year-old artist discussed money made from the original track, money owed to him for the use of the song in the upcoming Atari game and that the film company didn't invite him back for Ghostbusters 2 because they were mad at him because he made too much money. But fans will be happy to hear it isn't all business with Parker Jr., he really wants to work on a Ghostbusters 3 (if it happens) -- both in writing a new song and acting in the film -- because he loves the series. Oh, and there's probably some money in it too. Needless to say if the Ghostbusters theme ever hits Rock Band we don't anticipate it will be free.