
Details build on Lego Rock Band, 'rock challenges' not for squares

Though we've known about Lego Rock Band -- more or less, that is -- since early this year, an listing for the game has revealed a few more tidbits to satiate our non-stop hunger for more info on the title. For starters, the game's progression has been revealed as incorporating the Lego theme with collectible Lego pieces that will allow you to, "build cooler vehicles and move to new venues." Furthermore, an extra easy (totally for babies) difficult setting has been added to the game for the ... ahem ... less than face-meltingly-advanced Rock Band-ers in our lives.

To add even more Lego flavor to the mix, the game will feature challenges that allow you to "destroy a giant robot, summon a storm, and demolish a skyscraper." One important bullet-point glaringly missing from all news on the game (and its Beatles-themed brethren, for that matter) is the ability to export the songs into Rock Band 2, a la Rock Band 1's tracks. We've put in a note to publisher MTV Games for clarification on this and will keep you updated if and when we hear more info.

[Via Destructoid]