
Rumor: AT&T distributes anti-Pre cheat sheet

Like soldiers before a battle, AT&T and others are preparing to meet Palm's Pre. According to Pre Central, AT&T has begun distributing a memo to employees that points out key differences between the iPhone and the forthcoming Pre. The memo lists talking points and key comparisons for employees to keep handy when talking to customers.

While some of the comparisons are noteworthy, like the iPhone's metal and glass body vs. the plastic Pre, others just aren't. For instance, the Pre's 3.1-inch display vs. the iPhone's 3.5 inch screen. I don't know who's going to be dissuaded by 4-tenths of an inch. Plus, the Pre is a whole two grams heavier that the iPhone. Yowsa!

Of course, these stats are based on the current iPhone model. Rumors suggest that a new one will be introduced this summer. In any case, prepare for a fight.

[Via Macworld]