
The Daily Grind: When is your gaming primetime?

No matter what hour of the day you log in, there's generally always someone around. Early morning? People are checking the auction house, maybe trying to finish one last mission, checking game mail, or doing some quick tradeskilling. Come the evenings and weekends of course, the server population goes up as folks get off from work and settle in. Some stay up late to game with friends, others get up earlier to enjoy a quieter server. As for our team here at Massively, we've got a bit of everything from crazy wee morning hours gamers to a pretty hardcore late-night crew. We figured we'd ask you; when is your gaming primetime? Are you a fan of early mornings, enjoying gaming with your morning coffee? Perhaps you're an evenings and weekends gamer, with all those adult responsibilities keeping you away from the keys? Maybe you like to grab an hour of gaming with lunch (seemingly very popular here at the Massively offices) or have some combination of them all?