
Palm Pre casually boots from the cold comfort of a blue Corian countertop

If we were a Palm employee and someone caught us using a Pre in public right about now -- being the bumbling, unsuave fools that we are -- we imagine the conversation would go something like this:

"Excuse me, sir, is that a Palm Pre?"

"What, this? No, it's a RAZR."

"Why does it look like a Pre then? And why does the screen say Palm on it?"

"Ah, uh, [unintelligible] emulator... it's in the App Store. I, uh..."

"You can use the App Store with a RAZR?"

"Yes. Gotta... I'm late for... good talking to you!"

And with that, we'd hurriedly stuff our crap into our Jack Spade (nervously dropping the Pre three times in the process), knock over our triple tall latte, apologize to no one in particular, and run-walk aimlessly away.