
EVE Online's 3rd CSM election polls close tomorrow

If you've been following Massively's EVE Online coverage over the past few months, you'll no doubt have noticed we've written about the game's Council of Stellar Management (CSM). The CSM is a body of players elected by their fellow players, who represent the interests of the game's subscribers and work with CCP Games to ensure that development and balancing are driving the game forward in ways the gamers like. Opinion remains divided on the CSM, of course, but we think it's an interesting concept; developers letting the players have a say in a game's development pipeline is something that's very rare in the MMO industry.

We'd just like to post a reminder to our readers that the 3rd CSM election polls close tomorrow, May 26th. If you've been considering voting, check out what the candidates have to say about themselves and about EVE in the Jita Park Speakers Corner, a section of the EVE Online forums where each candidate explains their respective election platforms. There's still time left, so be sure to make your vote count.