
Gran Turismo 5 trailer reveals damage system, amongst other features

While perusing through the Joystiq Pile o' E3 Trailers™, we realized we had forgotten to post this gorgeous direct-feed footage of Gran Turismo 5. It flashed by too quickly during the Sony press conference for us to truly understand all the new features hidden in the trailer. Here's what we noticed:

  • Damage!
    We captured this still frame from the trailer, showing off what appears to be a new damage model for vehicles. Look at the bent hood, the crack on the car's side. Are those scratches in the car's paint? We think so.

  • FIA World Rally Championship
    The off-road challenges in Gran Turismo 5 look absolutely gorgeous, showcasing the engine's impressive ability to render particles.

    This is a huge license for GT5 to feature as NASCAR fans are as hardcore as they come. With EA Sports slowly pulling away from the franchise, hardcore racing enthusiasts will turn to GT for their fix. The vehicle liveries look accurate -- important for the NASCAR fan.

  • New cockpit view
    Finally, we were treated to a second of footage from what appears to be a new cockpit view. The camera seems to be pulled farther back, revealing more of the drivers inside. It doesn't seem practical for races, but it is very dramatic.

What else can you pinpoint in the trailer? Check it out after the break.