
Blyk hooking up with Orange in UK?

Blyk's efforts to bring its ads-for-minutes business model to new carriers seemingly continue, but one market where we really wouldn't have expected it to concentrate its initial push is the UK. The company's British MVNO is, after all, its first live network anywhere in the world -- and seeing how they already have that infrastructure in place, the payoff for signing a carrier deal seems lower. That said, there are some synergies here: the MVNO already runs on Orange's airwaves, and rumor has it that the deal -- which has apparently been in the negotiation phase for months now -- would include a transfer of Blyk's sales team. Interestingly, the current buzz has new subscribers being offered £15 worth of credit (about $24) in exchange for receiving ads, a shift from Blyk's original strategy of trading a fixed number of voice minutes and texts. That would give Orange more flexibility to adjust voice and text charges without shifting the value of its Blyk-based customers' deals, and considering that Blyk was apparently unable to garner enough advertiser interest in its original plan, it'll be interesting to see whether the tweak ends up working out in Orange's favor.

[Via mocoNews]