
Age of Conan offering two free weeks to previous players

It's been a long while coming, but Funcom has finally announced their first re-evaluation campaign for Age of Conan. Anyone who possesses a previously active account can -- as of today, July 8th -- reactivate and play for two full weeks entirely for free. In the last year, the game has seen a literal avalanche of updates and improvements. So if you haven't been back in Hyboria since launch last year, you're in for quite a few big surprises.

The timing of the expansion announcement and this two free week return are obviously not coincidental. You can be sure that Funcom has been planning this quite carefully to get people buzzing about their game again, and kudos to them for pulling it off nicely. Of course, we've yet to learn what's coming in the expansion but something tells us it'll be doing everything it can to impress both previous and current players.